Signs of motor phase loss
The specific manifestations of motor phase loss include increased vibration, abnormal noise, temperature rise, decreased speed, increased current, strong buzzing sound during startup, and inability to start.
The reason for motor phase loss is due to problems with the power supply itself or connection, which may be caused by improper selection of fuses or poor compression, resulting in the disconnection of fuses; Poor switch contact; Loose or broken joints. It is also possible that one phase winding of the motor is disconnected.
After the motor loses phase and burns out, the intuitive fault feature of the winding is regular winding burn marks, and the degree of burn out is not much different. Interturn, phase to phase, or ground faults have a particularly severe burning of the fault location, while the spreading faults are relatively lighter. This is a characteristic that distinguishes phase loss faults from other faults.
Reminder: Our company is not responsible for any consequences arising from the motor's phase loss issue!! For other after-sales issues, please call: 0631-3856788