Did the mindset of the rich come first or did the rich come first
Before starting this article, I would like to ask a question for everyone to consider: do we acquire the mindset of being rich before becoming rich, or do we acquire the mindset of being rich before becoming rich?
In the past two years, there was a popular term for dimensionality reduction attacks, which roughly means using high-level creatures to attack low-level creatures, one hit at a time. This is a term used to brainwash the public during the prevalence of the O2O model.
But examples of dimensionality reduction attacks can indeed be seen, the most common being in games
Recently, I have been playing a game that my colleagues have mentioned, which is SuperCell's Clash of Clans. I used to rarely play games, but recently I wanted to research game modes and started practicing this game. It reminds me of the Empire era I played in college.
In this game, there are many levels in single player mode. What should I do if I can't pass some levels? Distress is useless. You need to upgrade your base camp and upgrade your various offensive weapons, such as using balloon soldiers to fight against cannons, which are only meant to be attacked. I really enjoy looking back at the process of others attacking me. Many examples of my disastrous defeat were when the opponent used more advanced weapons.
So, from the perspective of the book 'Games Change the World', games are a metaphor for the real world. What we need in life is to constantly fight monsters, produce, mine, and use the resources earned from these activities to upgrade our equipment.
What is the most important upgrade in life? It is the level of thinking, that is, the way you see the world, the pattern of your reactions to various events.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about how to improve my thinking level.
What is the level of thinking?
For example, when buying a washing machine, your first consideration is price, while the other party's first consideration is brand, experience, and service. So this is obviously a different level of thinking. Some people think this is the level of consumption, but fundamentally it is the level of thinking. The current wealth levels of the two may be similar, but there is a significant difference in their ideas. There are many examples around us of people with the same income but different perspectives to consider.
Let me give you another example, such as commuting to and from work. Normally, people first consider convenience, speed, and affordability. However, if you choose how to turn commuting time into high-quality reading and thinking time, the perspective and dimension of your thinking will be different, and the final result will also be different. This is also a difference in thinking levels.
Some people also believe that this is the result of differences in consumption levels. In fact, the consumption levels of the two may be the same, but their purposes and perspectives are different in this matter.
There are many other examples as well. In summary, the level of thinking is essentially the height of one's thinking. Just like climbing a mountain, the scenery and immersive experience seen from a 400 meter hill (such as Xiangshan) and a 2800 meter hill (such as Xiaowutai) are different.
For example, you might tell a person climbing Fragrant Hills: Lying among the flowers, clouds brushing past you, and two birds happily chasing after you two meters away. The other party absolutely has no such experience. This is the perceptual difference caused by hierarchical differences. Similarly, when a person climbing Mount Everest tells you about oxygen cylinders and logistical support, the person climbing Xiaowutai also has little experience.
In short, the difference in hierarchy is the difference in height, and the difference in height brings about all-round differences.